More than meets the eye

It’s getting cold – too cold for vinyl?


Not if you have a plan!!

As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, the challenges of producing and installing outdoor pressure-sensitive vinyl window graphics become more pronounced. However, with the right techniques and precautions, you can ensure a seamless and successful project even in cooler weather. In this blog post, we'll explore key considerations and tips to help you navigate the intricacies of producing and installing vinyl window graphics outdoors when the mercury takes a dip.

Production Considerations:

  1. Choose the Right Material: Opt for vinyl materials specifically designed for cold weather applications. These materials often have enhanced adhesive properties that perform well in lower temperatures, ensuring a strong bond between the graphic and the window surface.
  2. Temperature Control in Printing: Maintain a controlled printing environment. Cold temperatures can affect the performance of the printing equipment and the quality of the printed graphics. Make sure your printing space is adequately heated to maintain optimal conditions.
  3. Allow for Adequate Drying Time: Cold weather can extend drying times for inks and laminates. Factor in the longer drying times when planning your production schedule to prevent smudging and damage to the graphics during handling.

Installation Tips:

  1. Preparation is Key: Thoroughly clean the window surface before installation. Cold temperatures can exacerbate adhesion issues, so ensure the surface is free from dirt, debris, and any residues that could hinder the vinyl's ability to adhere properly.
  2. Temperature Matters: Aim for an optimal installation temperature. Most vinyl graphics adhere best when the ambient temperature is between 50°F (10°C) and 90°F (32°C). If the temperature is lower, consider using a heat source to warm both the vinyl and the surface before installation.
  3. Use a Professional Installer: Consider hiring a professional installer experienced in working in cooler temperatures. Their expertise will ensure that the graphics are applied correctly, minimizing the risk of adhesion failure or other issues that may arise in colder conditions.
  4. Heat-Assisted Installation: Utilize heat to aid in the installation process. Heat guns or other heating devices can be employed to make the vinyl more pliable, facilitating a smoother application and better conforming to the contours of the window.
  5. Post-Installation Inspection: Once the graphics are applied, inspect the installation carefully. Look for any areas that may not have adhered properly and address them promptly. This proactive approach can prevent issues such as peeling or lifting in the future.


Successfully producing and installing outdoor pressure-sensitive vinyl window graphics in cooler temperatures requires careful consideration and attention to detail. By selecting the right materials, controlling production conditions, and following proper installation techniques, you can ensure a visually stunning and durable result, even when the weather is less than ideal. Remember to plan ahead, stay mindful of temperature requirements, and, when in doubt, consult with professionals to achieve the best possible outcome for your project.



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